Page 15 - RSB Annual Report 2019 English Final
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Etihad Energy Services (EES) reported an investment figure of AED205 million to fund new projects, representing 72% of total investment for the year. EES’s 2019 newly reported projects alone have target savings per annum of 130GWh and 127MIG. The payback period for retrofit projects was three years on average. A breakdown of the total investment by conservation measure showed that the vast majority of investments in retrofit projects went into the cooling and lighting systems of buildings, with 58% spent on cooling related measures and 33% on lighting. Investment in water conservation measures remains low, constituting only 1% of the total. Three modifications to the ESCO accreditation scheme were introduced in 2019. We retained certification by the Indian Bureau of Energy Efficiency on the list of accepted credentials, provided the certification is kept up-to-date. Additionally, the requirement for available equipment was made clearer and the assessment of an applicant’s financial strength was limited to a demonstration that the applicant is a going concern. 205 million(AED) EES share for 2019 of total investment for the year Annual Report 2019 Share of Investment Towards the end of the year the Supreme Council of Energy completed a refresh of the DSM strategy. This included expanding the «District Cooling» (DC) programme to an «Efficient Cooling» programme. This will require a focus on cooling technologies other than just DC and other factors contributing to the overall efficiency with which cooling is delivered. RSB 15